Monday, March 30, 2009

White Lies - Farewell To The Fairground


Did Jason Keller (Now Magazine March 26-April 1) and Nino Gheciu (Eye Magazine March 26-April 1) miss the point with their reviews of the White Lies full length release To Lose My Life? Well they do come about 4 months after the release of the album but alas when you live by the Canadian record company dropping you promos you die by the Canadian record company dropping you promos. Not sure why they are both going on about Joy Division either?

This is the 4th single from the band....very catchy eighties like alternative track. Check out their great track Death which we reviewed on IKvsDK on September 27th of last year.

The band stop by Lee's Palace in Toronto on March 31. Unfortunately the record company won't let me embed the video so please click here for the Youtube video:

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